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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

India to have clauster bomb...

The other hunter killer that the Indian Air Force (IAF) is acquiring is CBU-105, considered the world's smartest cluster bomb. There has been tremendous opposition to it because of the collateral damage cluster bombs are known to cause. But sources told Headlines Today that this bomb is really smart - if a CBU-105 fails to locate its target, it self destructs.

Consider this - a column of Pakistani tanks rumble towards the Indian border, ready to blast their way into the country. The Indian border defences watch in horror as the Pakistani tanks approach. Then B-52 aircraft flies in and drops a CBU-105 bomb. A single bomb releases several small bomblets which identify their individual targets destroying them almost simultaneously.

The air force's most intelligent tank-killing weapon disintegrates freeing bombs from the main CBU-105 unit. Each bomblet, fitted with geared with a laser sensor, is a tiny little hunter-killer in its own right. Once the tank target is acquired, the fireworks begin. A tiny copper warhead is blasted with explosive energy downward. The tank doesn't even know what has hit it.

The IAF will be the first foreign user of the American cluster bomb, the world's most blisteringly intelligent anti-tank weapon. It is called the bomb with brains and has been used only once in anger before.

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