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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nepal seeks weapons from India

After a hiatus of five years, India and Nepal have revived their defence ties and will shortly initiate various projects involving procurement of defence and military equipment.

The visiting Chief of the Nepal Army, General Chhattraman Singh Gurung, has made inquiries regarding supply of tanks as well as artillery guns, INSAS rifles, ammunition, troop carriers, bullet-proof jackets and sighting equipment from India.

Defence Ministry officials revealed that Nepal has requested for 100 tanks in two phases at concessional rates. Nepal also enquired about Ajeya (T-72) tanks of Russian origin.

During the recent three-day joint-secretary level meeting in Nepal, India has agreed in principle to resume non-lethal military supplies to Nepal. Nepal and India also agreed to share intelligence and to cooperate on constructing an airbase for the Nepalese army in the western part of the country. India also agreed to provide training to Nepalese security personnel to upgrade their capabilities and to share intelligence for improving security.

Although India and Nepal have been traditional allies and virtually all of the training and supplies of the Royal Nepal Army were sourced from India, both countries stalled defence cooperation in 2005 after King Gyanenedra took over and Nepal became a republic. India was skeptical about military cooperation due to the fear of Maoist in the Nepal Army.

At this juncture, India is being optimistic and trustworthy about Nepal and has even honored Chief of Nepal Army General Chhattraman Singh Gurung with the title of “Honorary Chief of Army Staff” in India. General Gurung visited various dignitaries and participated in high-level meetings during his Indian visit.

source:India Defnce Online

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